longest common subsequence中文什么意思

发音:   用"longest common subsequence"造句
  • long:    adj. (longer longe ...
  • common:    adj. 1.共通的,共同的,共有的 ...
  • subsequence:    n. 接续;紧随…之后;随后发生的事 ...
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  1. Finally , the ability of applying the approved aco algorithm to msa is studied . the idea of divide - and - conquer is adopted to improving the progressive algorithm and the longest common subsequence of multiple sequences is proposed as the partition points of multiple sequences . also , the paper presents how to solve the longest common subsequence of multiple sequences by the approved aco algorithm for mcp


  1. longeron 什么意思
  2. longeron; mast; spar 什么意思
  3. longerons 什么意思
  4. longest 什么意思
  5. longest and shortest 什么意思
  6. longest common substring 什么意思
  7. longest concealed coupling 什么意思
  8. longest day 什么意思
  9. longest diameter 什么意思
  10. longest increasing subsequence 什么意思


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